Wood Wool Panels

Wood Wool Panels

Paracoat Website

Wood-Wool panels is a versatile option for interior spaces, providing a balance between design aesthetics and acoustic performance. Their ease of manufacturing, variety of colors and sizes, and transformative impact on both aesthetics and acoustics make them a potentially appealing choice for a range of applications.
These panels excel in reducing echo and reverberation through effective sound
absorption by achieving an NRC of .45 - .95 depending on the mounting technique.
Designed to seamlessly integrate with different interior styles, wood-wool panels
can complement and enhance the existing décor of a space.
Wood-wool panels can be applied in both wall and
ceiling installations, providing flexibility in design
and functionality. Whether used as full panels
standing at 2440 X 1220 mm or individual tiles,
these applications allow for creative and
customizable solutions to meet specific
design and acoustic requirements.
Pro-tip: Arrange wood wool acoustic panels
creatively to not only enhance sound absorption but also
add a stylishtouch to your space."

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